Thursday, September 25, 2014

The Power of Team Work for Greater Success

‘’ I’m a manager of human resources and I have to work with everybody …’’
-          Jose Mourinho
The Power of Team Work  

#Avoid the DO-IT-YOURSELF Mentality…

 The man who doesn’t need people is perhaps the saddest man in the world.
I don’t care what you’ve been told… One thing is certain; you can never get real far in life when you don’t work with people.

“No man is an island” is perhaps one of the greatest truths I have come to understand all these years.
Don’t ever think you can achieve your goal all alone.
In fact people with the DO-IT-YOURSELF mentality are only suffering because of their ‘shallow-tiny’ dreams.
Yes; you can really do-it-yourself when you have a dream that looks like just sitting down and switching on the T.V to your favorite reality program.

Dreams that are way-to-soft are no dream at all!
What can be called DREAM is something you desire to achieve that is beyond your capacity and resources.  And that is why one of the major causes of failure is not because a man does not possess enough skill or IQ; it’s only because he fails to recognize that his dream needs people.

The number one resources you need for your dream is not money or intelligence—but PEOPLE.

Super Achievers and winners are people who work with people.

#Avoid the KNOW –IT-ALL mentality…

People who are not willing to learn are one of the most annoying people you can ever come across.
The illiterate person of the 21st century is not a man who lacks knowledge; But the man who is not willing to learn and re-learn.
I don’t care if a man is ignorant, what I fear most is the man who is not willing to learn because he thinks he doesn’t need to learn anymore.
No man really knows it all. It’s only a reason to stop learning.
“There are only a few things I know and countless number of things I know not. This is the very reason why I must develop PASSION FOR LEARNING.
YES; Passion for learning is the foundation for wisdom, knowledge and understanding.
Wisdom means passion for learning.
If you want to get really far in life you must be willing learn and re-learn.


The secret of wining and achieving extraordinary success is: BUILDING RELATIONSHIPS THAT WORKS!
Winners spend all their life building relationships that bring results because they recognize that people are the biggest resources we need to achieve our dreams.
Having the right people in your life is the fastest way to get the best deal out of your dreams.

There is one thing I know that really works, and that having the right people in your life.
Assets wealth means having the right people in your life.
You must strive to make your contact count.
Work on building relationship every minute. You will find out that this is the most important skill you ever developed.
You can’t do it alone. You don’t know it all.

You need people to help you achieve your dream

To your success
Rufus Yamoah
Success Teacher

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

How to Maintain Success and Keep Winning

“I think that being a winner doesn’t mean winning and being tired of winning, and I never want to lose. For me, a winning player, coach, or a man in general is someone who is never tired of winning”.

Getting to the mount of success is the issue; it is staying there that counts.
I have seen a lot of people who are up-in-hills and shining like stained-glasses today, but tomorrow they are nowhere to be found. They are back to their pit-holes after their ten minutes ‘wow’ effect.

One of the biggest problems facing people in business is being short-sighted in their vision and goals.
I have seen many people who after achieving a small success like owning a business, having a car and having a house, they would say to themselves, “What else is there to achieve?”

Listen: they saddest person in this world is someone who has nothing else to live for.
This is high treason against life. A man who has nothing to live for is not better than the dead man.

Success is by degree.
Starting small is good; staying small is a sad thing.
You must enlarge your coast, and learn to stretch your vision and dreams.
Super Achievers are people who pursue after big dreams and try to do what ordinary men call impossible.

They greatest challenge towards maintaining success, is what I called ‘the average mentality’.
This is the truth: You can never go beyond the limit of your mind.

When you get to the mountain top, it is not a license to fold your arms, close your eyes and fall to sleep.
Success is easy to achieve; maintaining success and staying successful is the hard job.
Winning in life is not World cup or Olympic event; it is a lifestyle. Let winning be like drinking a glass of water every day.

Greatness is by degree.
Think extraordinary thoughts. See yourself going the extra mile when everyone else is celebrating.
The more your win, the more there is to win.
Every peak you reach is not a final bus-stop, but it’s only a stepping-stone to greatness.

It is fine to be good. It is wonderful to be better; but the world will only celebrate you when you become the best.

Beware of shallow thinking. Beware of poverty mentality. Beware of impossibility thinking.
Greatness is never far from the man who always believes he can.

Those who maintain success and keep winning are people who believe that their best is still yet to come.
But small achievers and failures always think that there so-called best can never be surpass.

To keep winning in every area of life, you must maximize your potentials.
It is not all about discovery who and what you are; it is about leveraging it for work wonders for you.
Whatever and where ever you are today, I tell the truth…you can still achieve more. You can still do better than that. This is the secret of continuous progress.

Winners are never tired of winning. They hate losing!

It is time to break out from your comfort zone. It is time to awake the greatness in you.
Let success become a lifestyle for you, and not a momentum event.

There is something I was point out at this juncture: IT IS CALLED PRIDE.

Yes; Pride is the number enemy for falling from grace to grass and from success to failure.
No matter the degree of success you have achieved in life or the level of height you have attained, you must never let this virus to creep into your life.
Pride is a destroyer. It is the mother of demotion, setback and lose.
The more you succeed, you more you should be humble.
When you are humble, you will never let what you have or what you have become to control or influence you negatively.
You must be a master of success, if you want to maintain success.

Destroy the spirit of pride if you desire to keep winning.
Put on the garment of humility, and you will be lifted above your fellows.




Rufus Yamoah
Life Coach

Monday, April 7, 2014

The Right Attitude Towards Achieving Your Goals

“If I made a mistake then I apologize. I am happy I’m not going to jail because of that”
                                                                                                                                --Jose Mourinho

“What if I made a mistake?”
“What if I didn’t get it right?”
“What if the deal didn’t go through?”

This is what I always hear people say whenever I am teaching on Goals Achievement.
My reply to them is always the same: “MISTAKE IS NO BIG DEAL”.

The fear of failure and making mistakes has hindered millions of people from achieving their goals, dreams and visions.
People whose ideas would have transformed our world for better and add value to people’s lives have allowed themselves to fall victim of this great virus called ‘fear of the unknown’.

Success in every area of life is reserved for only the courageous and those who are willing to dare.
Quitters never win; winners never win.
 Success is a journey, and not a one –time reward system.
 On the road to success, you will definitely encounter many mistakes.

Does ‘mistake’ really worth the fear?

Fear of failure can never stop a man who has a success attitude.
People became victim because of their ignorance or wrong perspective about failure.
Perfectionism is the mother of inaction.
If you fail to try because you don’t want to fail, you will fail to succeed because you don’t want to try. Very simple logic!

Until you change your mentality about mistakes and failures, you will never actualize your dreams, visions and goals in life.
In the school of success, Mistake is the best teacher.

Failure and mistake should never cause you to give up on your pursuit of success.
Never accept defeat. Never talk failure.
Learn to develop a positive approach, attitude and response towards mistakes and failures.
Knowledge is only power when it is act upon.
You must make room for mistakes if you want to succeed in life.
You must develop a teachable and humble spirit if you want to get the hidden blessings in the mistakes of life.

Do not get me wrong, I do not encourage people to go out to fail or make mistake. I love success. I hate to fail. I always want to get it right. This is my life. This is my attitude.

BUT…I have learned to forgive myself quickly whenever I make mistake. I have learn not to mourn over my mistakes, but to move on and try again.
There is hope for the living dog than the dead lion.
It does matter how many times you have failed or how terrible and foolish the mistake was, You can always TRY AGAIN.

You can’t go to jail because of mistake. MISTAKE IS NO BIG DEAL; SUCCESS IS.

This is the simple truth: If you must increase your chances of succeeding in life and achieving your goals, you must double your rate of failure.

People should seek wisdom, knowledge and understanding in other to avoid silly mistakes that will cause them their lives or lead them to eternal doom.
The epidemic of this world is not ignorance people, but people who have abused knowledge and learning by refusing to take action on the information they have gathered.
This is worst then HIV, CANCER, and even death!

 Also; we must try as much as we can to learn from other people’s mistakes. This is Wisdom.
But, even in this, you will also encounter your own mistakes and learn from your own experience. This is inevitable and it is part of life.
Don’t blame others for your failure. Don’t blame yourself. Don’t accept people’s wrong opinion and criticism concerning your abilities or skills. Always think positive. See yourself as a GOAL ACHIEVER even if you have failed a thousand times.





Rufus Yamoah
Life Coach

Thursday, February 20, 2014

The Secret of Excellence

What is Peak Performance?

Peak Performance is a self-motivation program, technique or activity that helps people towards reaching their full potentials, releasing hidden abilities, and also achieving incredible results in whatever work they engage themselves in.

An Enemy Called Average

‘Average’ is a negative mental stronghold that has kept millions of people from reaching their full potential in life. It has placed a limitation on people’s greatness. It has hold men from breaking new grounds and also reaching higher heights.
Average means ‘To settle for less’.
Peak Performance is the perfect antidote that destroys this enemy of our success called ‘average’.

Moving Unto Excellence

God’s plan for everyone is for us to ‘be the best’ and ‘reach to top’ in whatever career, business or destiny He has programmed for us. (Deuteronomy 28:13).
Excellence is all about ‘producing the best quality or outcome ahead of other competitors’.
Know this: Success in Life is not about quantity; it is about quality.
Our life can only bring glory to God when we learn to move unto excellence.


1.       Ask God for divine wisdom.
2.       Develop a ‘no limit’ mentality.
3.       Be passionate at what you do.
4.       Give yourself to hard work.
5.       Focus and dedicate your time to what you do.
6.       Work with the right team.
7.       Seek for more knowledge and training concerning your field.


1.       You will reach your full potential.
2.       You will gain easy promotion to the top.
3.       You will achieve your goals faster and easier.
4.       You will become an expert in your field.
5.       You will be rated highly ahead of your competitors.
6.       You will always be relevant in the market.
7.       You will become a successful, happy and fulfilled person.

Seek to make your life count.

See you at the top.

Rufus Yamoah
Life Coach