God-given Lessons for 2009
Grace, rather than Labor…
I am tired of struggling for everything I want.
I am not born to be a slave to my desires.
One of the major mistakes I made in 2008 was, depending too much on 'ME' and people to help me achieve my dreams; therefore I missed, or rather, leverage little of God’s GRACE, which would have been the SECRET POWER for my success and achievement.
I am no humanist; I am created by God and for God.
Depending too much on my strength, power and IQ, was really frustrating!
I am helpless and limited at most times…
I have come to learnt that success does not come by labor, but rather GRACE.
Depending on God’s grace will make me feel unlimited and fearless, which is my greatest desire!
I hate to labor in vain; I need some grace in my life.
I believe God’s grace will be my biggest secret this year!
**The POWER of GOD’S GRACE makes you achieve effortless success**
God Provides for His Purpose
If I am doing God’s WILL in my life, then I don’t think I should worry or try to pay the BILLS.
*You are not to sponsor God’s purpose or plan for your life.
He will take control of everything, including your bathing soap!
I always end up regretting when I fail to do God’s Will in my life.
*If you choose a purpose out of his blueprint, then you must be ready to face the consequences all by yourself- this I know you don’t want to face!*
I have come to understand that all God wants from me is, TO BE AVAILABLE AND
**If you want to achieve effortless success this year, then you must get connected to God’s purpose and plan for your life- this is very important!
Some Important Resolutions:
Grace, rather than Labor…
I am tired of struggling for everything I want.
I am not born to be a slave to my desires.
One of the major mistakes I made in 2008 was, depending too much on 'ME' and people to help me achieve my dreams; therefore I missed, or rather, leverage little of God’s GRACE, which would have been the SECRET POWER for my success and achievement.
I am no humanist; I am created by God and for God.
Depending too much on my strength, power and IQ, was really frustrating!
I am helpless and limited at most times…
I have come to learnt that success does not come by labor, but rather GRACE.
Depending on God’s grace will make me feel unlimited and fearless, which is my greatest desire!
I hate to labor in vain; I need some grace in my life.
I believe God’s grace will be my biggest secret this year!
**The POWER of GOD’S GRACE makes you achieve effortless success**
God Provides for His Purpose
If I am doing God’s WILL in my life, then I don’t think I should worry or try to pay the BILLS.
*You are not to sponsor God’s purpose or plan for your life.
He will take control of everything, including your bathing soap!
I always end up regretting when I fail to do God’s Will in my life.
*If you choose a purpose out of his blueprint, then you must be ready to face the consequences all by yourself- this I know you don’t want to face!*
I have come to understand that all God wants from me is, TO BE AVAILABLE AND
**If you want to achieve effortless success this year, then you must get connected to God’s purpose and plan for your life- this is very important!
Some Important Resolutions:
I have admit that my way is all goofed up and stupid; therefore I want to do it only the Lord’s WAY.
I admit that I am weak and lazy; therefore I don’t want to fight any battle by my strength or power. JESUS IS MY VICOR.
If you want to achieve effortless success, you must give God chance to do the hard works for you.
Enjoy success
Rufus Yamoah
Treasure Hunter
I admit that I am weak and lazy; therefore I don’t want to fight any battle by my strength or power. JESUS IS MY VICOR.
If you want to achieve effortless success, you must give God chance to do the hard works for you.
Enjoy success
Rufus Yamoah
Treasure Hunter
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