Go to the Ant, you sluggard! Consider her ways and be wise.
Which have no captain, overseer or ruler provides her supplies in the summer,
and gather her food in the harvest.
How long will you slumber, o sluggard?
When will you rise from your sleep?
A little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of hands to sleep-
So shall your poverty come like a prowler, and your need like an armed man. (Proverbs 6:6-11
My dear friend, You may consider the ant to be one of the most wasteful creatures on earth,
but I tell you, there is something unique you have never consider. But what a pity…
I carefully looked the ant and I found out that it’s the mast wisest creature on earth
(more than humans, well you can prove it wrong).
They take responsibility of their lives. They look up t no one more than their own ability,
effort, and energy (one of the problems affecting humans)
You can go see for yourself, as the ant is always busy hunting for what is the latest on ground.
They are super time user and investor.
Lets consider her ways:
Comfort Zone: You must not keep your self from the world. Don’t care and play safe! Take charge,
and take responsibility of your life. Conquer your fears because you are more powerful than you think.
Be ready for challenges.
He that is afraid to go to the battlefield of life will soon be swallow up by an earthquake.
To get to the promise land, you must fight cross the bridge.
Management: This is the second attribute of the ant. The ant knows that our greatest security
in life is management. The ant does not fear when heat cometh, the good times, the bad times,
in fact anytime. She is ready.
Remember there is no gain without pain. You must see pressure before pleasure. There is always
a Story before a glory. So work hard, or rather smart, invest, save, and manage everything with great
Do something (Take action): For a dream to come true there must be some action that comes true.
The man that cast is hand cast his mouth. Cut off your hand, dry up your mouth.
Don’t be lazy! Work hard, for the reward is the pride of life.
The barometer of success is in the action. Dare to do something worthwhile.
Let the ant teach you today.
Rufus Elijah Yamoah
Life Coach
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