What is Your Perception of Life?
Someone has to die in order that the rest of us should value life more
-- Virginia Woolf
Our lives are controlled by our perceptions.
I think the phrase that says 'what you see is what you get' is really making more head-waves than ever. It's truly an absolute truth we can bet our neck on!
You must first recognize your personal concept of life before you can fast-track your moves in life.
I had a friend who would always say, “Life is a battlefield!. Now is a preparing to take a military course to become the next soldier boy!
How else do you want me to tell you this: Life is not a battlefield; and you cannot fight its battles with bullets and knifes.
**It’s true that your CONCEPTS will always determine your ACTIONS**
Change Your Perception
My dear friend, if I may ask, what is your perception of Life? What have you conceived in your heart about the world you are living in?
Your current or present state is your yesterday’s conception. Your life-view point today will determine the kind of future you will have.
God cannot help a man with the WRONG mindset!
** You need to inquire a NEW heart and a sound mind… the one that connects to God’s concept, thoughts and ideas**
If you don’t like what you see in your life, change what you see about life.
If you see a ‘battlefield life’ like my friend, you will probably be carrying guns and knife!
A Life Greater Than Your Thin Perception
I have always tell- as many who cares to listen- that, “Life is not always about what we think is it or should be, cause it’s far larger than our thin perceptions.
Our concepts are measured by the level of our mindset.
Our mindset is determined by our training.
It’s really painful to observe that, most people’s life view-points are only the product of their up-bringing, environmental and association influence.
Your wrong concept of life is only caused by ignorance, misunderstanding and wrong judgment of God’s purpose, thoughts and ideas about life.
**When our concept differs from the creator then it’s said to be misconception**
“Our people perish for lack of knowledge” so says the Holy Scriptures.
The only way you can get the right mindset about life, which is very important if you want to live the right life, is to try as much as to get God’s Original intent, thought, plan, purpose and idea about life.
Why is this very important?
The way you can know the right and best use of any product is to get to the mind of the manufacturer or producer.
God owns life, including yours!
Why not find His thoughts about life rather than depending on your personal or people’s opinion. (Take this advice seriously)
Why Death Should Tell You Something…
It’s too sad to observe that, the only time people try to figure out the true meaning of life is when they are in a burial funeral!
Didier Drogba, one of Africa’s finest football players from Ivory Coast, stated, “The death of my grand mother completely struck me down, more than anything else. This made me to ask a few questions to myself. I wondered what I was running after. I said to myself that it was pretty useless to run after results, stats, or rewards”.
Virginia Woolf rightly said, ‘Someone has to die in order that the rest of us should value life more”.
Listen; not until you come to terms that, life does not consist in the abundance of things you have or have-not, you will never find any meaning about life… and you will only be beating an innocent air!
Life is not about having ‘things’; and not until you recognize, like Drogba, that it’s pretty and really useless to run after stats, results, records, or rewards, life will never make sense to you!
A Better…A Larger Perception
A is truly beautiful when you look at it beyond your emotion.
Life is no longer looking for men who are only running after its treasures and pleasures; but men (also women, boys, even children) who will make it more beautiful andturn it into a blessed ‘holiday garden’.
Change your perception… and live a better life!
Rufus Yamoah
Success Builder
Someone has to die in order that the rest of us should value life more
-- Virginia Woolf
Our lives are controlled by our perceptions.
I think the phrase that says 'what you see is what you get' is really making more head-waves than ever. It's truly an absolute truth we can bet our neck on!
You must first recognize your personal concept of life before you can fast-track your moves in life.
I had a friend who would always say, “Life is a battlefield!. Now is a preparing to take a military course to become the next soldier boy!
How else do you want me to tell you this: Life is not a battlefield; and you cannot fight its battles with bullets and knifes.
**It’s true that your CONCEPTS will always determine your ACTIONS**
Change Your Perception
My dear friend, if I may ask, what is your perception of Life? What have you conceived in your heart about the world you are living in?
Your current or present state is your yesterday’s conception. Your life-view point today will determine the kind of future you will have.
God cannot help a man with the WRONG mindset!
** You need to inquire a NEW heart and a sound mind… the one that connects to God’s concept, thoughts and ideas**
If you don’t like what you see in your life, change what you see about life.
If you see a ‘battlefield life’ like my friend, you will probably be carrying guns and knife!
A Life Greater Than Your Thin Perception
I have always tell- as many who cares to listen- that, “Life is not always about what we think is it or should be, cause it’s far larger than our thin perceptions.
Our concepts are measured by the level of our mindset.
Our mindset is determined by our training.
It’s really painful to observe that, most people’s life view-points are only the product of their up-bringing, environmental and association influence.
Your wrong concept of life is only caused by ignorance, misunderstanding and wrong judgment of God’s purpose, thoughts and ideas about life.
**When our concept differs from the creator then it’s said to be misconception**
“Our people perish for lack of knowledge” so says the Holy Scriptures.
The only way you can get the right mindset about life, which is very important if you want to live the right life, is to try as much as to get God’s Original intent, thought, plan, purpose and idea about life.
Why is this very important?
The way you can know the right and best use of any product is to get to the mind of the manufacturer or producer.
God owns life, including yours!
Why not find His thoughts about life rather than depending on your personal or people’s opinion. (Take this advice seriously)
Why Death Should Tell You Something…
It’s too sad to observe that, the only time people try to figure out the true meaning of life is when they are in a burial funeral!
Didier Drogba, one of Africa’s finest football players from Ivory Coast, stated, “The death of my grand mother completely struck me down, more than anything else. This made me to ask a few questions to myself. I wondered what I was running after. I said to myself that it was pretty useless to run after results, stats, or rewards”.
Virginia Woolf rightly said, ‘Someone has to die in order that the rest of us should value life more”.
Listen; not until you come to terms that, life does not consist in the abundance of things you have or have-not, you will never find any meaning about life… and you will only be beating an innocent air!
Life is not about having ‘things’; and not until you recognize, like Drogba, that it’s pretty and really useless to run after stats, results, records, or rewards, life will never make sense to you!
A Better…A Larger Perception
A is truly beautiful when you look at it beyond your emotion.
Life is no longer looking for men who are only running after its treasures and pleasures; but men (also women, boys, even children) who will make it more beautiful andturn it into a blessed ‘holiday garden’.
Change your perception… and live a better life!
Rufus Yamoah
Success Builder
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