What You Must Keep At the Back of Your Mind
Before You Can Win Your Flight Ticket!
Someone was complaining to me, “Rufus, I need some change in my life. What is your advice on what to do?” he asked
“What can you do?” I thought in my mind, “Well, I doubt if there is really any thing you can do to change your life”. Very shocking reply, isn't it? But what do I really mean?
You see; most times people expect me to give them some so-called ‘secrets’ which they think is the only way out from their situations. But my reply to anyone who wants change in his life has always been a simple and straight statement: “Change your mind… and you will change your life”. SIMPLE!
For as long as you are with your old heart and spirit there is really nothing I can do.
This brings me to say that, if you really want to get the best out of this dreams or goals, then I think you really have to help yourself- that is you must follow and abide in these simple rules I will be sharing with you…
Have God’s Approval: If it’s not the Will of God for you going into any venture, then you are probably wasting your time. In verse twenty-one of chapter nineteen of the book of proverbs says, “Many are the plans in the mind of a man, but it is the purpose of the Lord that will be established.
2. Have Desire: If you don’t have a strong enough desire for change or success, then you will not get real far. You need a desire stronger than death!
3. Have Purpose/Passion: You must have a strong enough reason why you want success or change.. But Why? Because if you don’t have a good enough intent or reason, then you will only be a slave to your impulse and emotion. You must also fall in love with whatever you do or choose to do. Enthusiasm produces energy. Purpose produces Passion.
4. Grit/Determination: You must know that in any venture, there is also an adventure in it. So you must be determined enough to grind your teeth to scale through all hurdles and obstacles on your way to achievement.
5. Vision/Mission: You must strive to always know where you are going. How important? I don’t know. What I know is that, when you loose focus for 10 seconds when driving you might end up spending eternity in River Nile! Also; you must have a concrete mission and expectation in whatever venture you take.
6. Positive Attitude: A great man once said… “Our attitude towards a subject will determine the source of its power.” This is an absolute truth!
When you show lack of concern towards your goals, the results it will bring will definitely make you sad.
One perfect attitude that brings great results is: Paying attention to every detail. All successful people have this attitude. You too must build on it.
7. Personal Development: A young-inspiring lawyer came to Abraham Lincoln to reveal to him the secret of success. Lincoln looked at him for a while and said, “Go get and read books, continue developing your mind”.
Also, just as the immortal Ralph Waldo Emerson once said: “it is the inmost that gives birth to the outmost”. Successful mind breeds a successful man.
You must focus on self-study. Very important!
Brian Tracy observed that, “If a man reads one book a week consistently in his chosen field, and he does that for over 12 months; he would definitely become an expert in that field.” Try it!
8. Networking: People who need people are the wealthiest people in the world.
Building relationship that works is perhaps the single most important component for success. If your contact is dead, forget about the venture.
“No man is an island” is perhaps one of the biggest truth we all must accept and follow.
Robert Kiyosaki, author of the famous Rich Dad Poor Dad, said, “The poor focus on their job, but the Rich builds their network..
If Jesus Christ himself would need the 12 disciples for his ministry, what about you?
You must build your network…and make your contact count!
9. Effort: Abraham Lincoln would always tell people, “work, work, work!” It’s the key to success.
The immortal Paul the Apostle gave an instruction that, “He who is not willing to work should not eat.
Effort is very essential. Forget what the so-called system-gurus keep saying about ‘Achieve your Dreams No effort Stress-Free…Even a Dumb can do it’ This is just bunch of sales-letter junks!
The only place you can achieve your dreams by sleeping in your soft-bed or watching the Hollywood , is in the graveyard!
The Bible says, “Awake from your sleep, O sluggard! Or poverty will come like a thief upon you”.
10. Patience/Commitment: You must know that there is time for everything… and that Nature also plays an important role in either our success or failure in life. So, whenever you give a knock, you must be able to wait long enough for it to be open for you. You must strive you see the very end in every beginning. Like my mum use to say, “Be Patient, the last soup is the best!”
You cannot predict or tell when The Great Giver of success will grant unto you the result of your labor. So be COMMITED.
How far are you willing to go in your goals or dreams? Are you willing to scrap through the hurdles and discouragements you find on the way?
Please don’t drop out when you name is about to be announced. Stay in there. You will definitely, for sure, succeed!
These are the 10 simple rules for super achievement. Keep these easy-to-follow rules as you prepare for your flight ticket, and you will definitely catch up with the plane!
Enjoy more success!
Rufus Yamoah
Success Builder
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