Hi Rufus, it’s not really easy turning your dream into reality.
Please what is the sure-way to bring my dreams into the physical evidence?
Good question.
Now let me ask you some crucial questions.
Have you see the vision of your dream?
Have you set your goals and plans towards achieving your dream?
Have you started taking the available but necessary actions towards your dream?
Yes I have begun, said again with shy confidence.
Then why have you not achieve your dream?
That is the problem; I think there is something I still must know.
There are some secrets you must bind to your heart if you truly want to reach the finishing line,
which is turning your dream into reality.
Please show them to me.
Motivation: When there is no Will, there can’t be a way out. Motivation is the key to
unlock your dream to come out. Your spirit must always be ready. Your hopeand faith
must be protected. This is the power that comes from within and always tells you YOUR
Discipline: Zig Ziglar said, ‘Success is in the glands…the sweat glands’. Without ‘grinding your teeth’
and taking some few ‘bullets’ you just can’t achieve something important (Your Dream).
Effort: Always say to yourself, ‘Good is never enough,’ ‘I will never settle for nothing less,’
and ‘the best is always yet to come’. This is what effort is all about. You must always
recognize you can do more and try to do more. It’s the hidden secret of all great achievers.
Commitment: If a man cannot cry well, he also cannot laugh well.
You think success is easy?
You think your just dream plus action is equal to success?
You better think twice!
Success only come to those who are serious and committed to their dream
because it’s an expensive ‘ornament’ that cannot be toil with.
Commitment overcomes failure and causes you to achieve your
ends ‘meat’ which is success.
These are 4 secrets to achieving any dream.
Thank you Success Teacher.
To your success!
Rufus Yamoah
Success Teacher
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