Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Simple Secrets of Celebration

What Life has Taught Me in the Last One Year…

As I celebrate my birthday today, I wish to do it in a different style. Instead of going partying and wide, I decided to spent time to reflect on how Life has been for in the last one year. This I think is very important.

What has life taught you in the last one year? (Think about this).
You are either growing or, maybe I don’t know!

As for me, without many words, Life has been total celebration!
Some may say, “Well, you are probably a lucky folk”

Sorry, I am no lucky folk, neither do I believe in the ‘lucky break stuff’.
The secret is counting your blessings. This is what matters.

Some troubled ones would say, “What is there to count when there is no blessing”.
My drear, you’ve got a lot to count!
The reason why many don’t see any blessing is because they have all been ignorant of the magic power of counting.
You will never know or recognize how bless you are until you start counting it.

Now, counting you blessing is not by looking at what you have or have not; But by looking at who you are- that is what you have come to become as a person.

Lesson number two: Life has taught me that been talents and having a lot of IQs is not enough. I must have courage and boldness to dare and take action towards achieving my dreams. And also I must think positive and BIG, so that can overcome those usual temporary obstacles and discouragement on my way to success.

And finally, I must always be thankful for what I already have.

“Do not spoil what you have with what you have not; but remember that what you now have was once among things you only hoped for”, said Epicurus

Do not spoil the euphoria of here and now with your anxiety of tomorrow and what the future would bring. It makes no sense.

The message is clear; SHOW SOME GRATITUDE.

Enjoy Life

Rufus Yamoah
Success Teacher

Note: This article is dedicated to God for another year added to my life. To God be the Glory!
P:S: Drop Your birthday wishes. Thanks

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

The Key to Enjoying life Better

A Joyful or a Miserable life…

It all starts from the MIND.

The greatest discovery of our generation is that, human beings alter their lives by altering their perception of mind
- William James

How do your view life?
What is the meaning of life to you?

The difference between a miserable and a joyful man is not much of what he does; but is way of thinking and judgment.

Dump the ‘rugged Mentality!!

People who see life as a rugged place and think life in way a rugged way tend to suffer from what I called the ‘rugged mentality’.

You always here them say, ‘The economy is bad’, ‘food prices is tearing me apart’, ‘My finance is going downturn’, ‘Nobody wants to help’, ‘Life is a battlefield’, ‘I don’t see things getter better’, ‘People are wicked’. And so fucking on!

Why worry about things you cannot control?

What you can control is the POWER OF THE MIND- your thoughts!

To succeed is a simple logic; Dump the rugged mentalty.

Law of TRUST- My greatest philosophy

The law of trust is basically to love life, and to trust that no matter what happens, it is serving you…

“Easier said than done”, someone said.
This may sound ridiculous to someone who is currently living in an hopeless bungalow or eating from a garbage pot.
The truth is remains!

Life always becomes what you think it is. (Take note)

When you think life as working against you; so it will be.
If you see life as a struggle or a battlefield, then you’ll have to fight for everything your heart desires or dream for.

If you ever dream of enjoying life better or changing your circumstances, you must take care of your perceptions and metaphors of life.

Life is much more than you think!
not change your perception of mind, so that no matter what happens in your life, you receive an opportunity to grow.

There is a purpose for everything in your life… and it is working for you.
Good or bad, the universe is doing an assisting process… it’s making you stronger and better.
God is using the universe to serve your purpose and dreams. Nothing is working against you, not even your own foolishness!

It’s all a matter of the perception of the mind.

Always remember that, life is meant to work for you, and not against you.

Life is working for me. What about you?

To your success

Rufus Yamoah
Success Teacher

P.S: Don’t fail to drop your comment or forward this article to a friend. Thanks!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

The Key to Living the Best Life

“The world sucks!” someone shouted.

The whole world is endlessly pursuing and craving for SELF-GRATIFICATION.

Every body cares only what they stand to gain before taking any decision or moving into any action.

The world has become ‘one big large room’ filled with so many self-centered people.
We see People who always ask ‘What is in it for me?’ before doing anything.

Sometimes I am force to share helpless tears for the road not taken.

Stop the Profit-Driven Life

Why have we all lost our image, identity and purpose?
We are now living under the conception of Satan the devil. He is father of self-gratification and satisfaction.
Right from the very beginning, he has always made his emotions and desires his priority- how to satisfy his feelings, wants and moods.

Stop! Stop!! Stop!!!

Life is not all about things getting right, been happy, or seeing your kids grow up to become somebody in life…
You’ve to start seeing life bigger and larger than yourself, or else you will never find the meaning of life!

We were created in the IMAGE of God.
This is the big TRUTH the devil is ready to stake is life for just make sure you don’t believe.
God is a God of purpose.
He never does anything without having a why.

Too many of us bother only how we feel today and we can create happiness. This is a meaningless pursuit!
You don’t have to seek the mountains and rivers for happiness; Happiness, Joy and Fulfillment lie in founding a purpose and living for a purpose. (Take note)

The greatest tragedy is not been poor; but living without a purpose.

Purpose is the greatest wealth

What drives your Life?
Are you living a profit-driven life, or you are living a purpose life? (Think about it)

You must learn to stop asking ‘what is in it for me’, rather learn to ask ‘what can I give’, ‘who can I bless today’, ‘how do add value’, and ‘who can I share a smile with’.

You are an uncommon value-creator! You are a non-stop shining machine to your environment.
Just look around… someone is here and now waiting for you!

When your decisions and actions in life are purpose-driven, you will make a big HIT.
Most importantly you will end up building a SUCCESS WORLD.
Turning your once self-minded and self-centered life into a channel of blessing will be your greatest joy and fulfillment.

Is there anything else in this life than LOVE?

Go and put a smile on someone’s face today.

Keep building your success world…Keep Smiling!

Rufus Yamoah
Success Teacher

P.S: Don’t leave without dropping your pen about this article. Thanks!

Special gift: Grab a FREE copy of my ebook titled ‘Who wants to be a Millionaire?’
Send your request to

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Be Bold and Act Now

Vomit the Frog!

It’s not the intelligent, talented, or the geniuses that make it in life; it’s the bold and those who are willing to dare.

Enough is enough! It’s time to take some action in your life.

What is that thing that is holding you back?
Stop limiting yourself with fear and discouragement.
Take charge now and release the power from within.

You can plan and strategize for all day long, but that is not just enough to guarantee you success.
You’ve got to be Bold and take some actions.

I have always said to people who care to listen that, what we need is no longer knowledge or motivation; we need MOBOLIZATION.

Motivation without mobilization means frustration.

You have invested so much money and time in acquiring knowledge and skill. It’s enough!
You no longer need know-how.
All you need is to awake the power from within.

The power from within can never be manifested through knowledge or whatsoever. It can only be seen through boldness and actions.

How can I be bold?

Vomit the Frog!

We all have a ‘Frog’ inside of us. What makes the difference between the failure and success is how to control this frog.
The feeling of fear and discouragement is a natural imperfect condition we are all born with. This is the frog, and it is the bad news. But the good news is that we all have also been born with power to control and master it. This is where most people have problem!

Creativity without boldness is like a car without an engine.
Nothing makes sense when there is no action, no manifestation.

All we need is to vomit the frog inside of us.
Learning to say NO to your fear and discouragement and be willing to dare even when you know there is a big mountain in front on you, is the secret.

What is holding you back?
Why have you choose to waste the vast potentials God has put inside you?
Yes. There is a great treasure and wealth inside you. But not until you vomit the frog and take some actions, you will never see the glory.

The euphoria of life lies in releasing the power from within.

Anything that is holding or limiting you is a frog!
Vomit now… there is no more time.

Be Bold and Act Now

Keep building your success world…Keep Smiling!

Rufus Yamoah
Success Teacher

P.S: Drop your comment or response about this article. Thanks
Special gift: Send your email to
rufusyamoah@yahoo.com and grab the most inspiring e-book for success titled “Success Secrets of a Three-Time Olympian”.

Friday, September 12, 2008

How to Take Contol and Live Your Dream

You are your own boss!

You are the architect of your life.

Great American Philosopher, Jim Rohn, says, "Failure is nothing but a
few repitition in judgement and choices everyday".

Your Success lies in your daily routine and habits.

The way you live your life is only a product of your personal philosophy.
You are very powerful than you can ever imagined; You are a little god!
You can take control and live your dream today, But...

God Almighty is the Grand Master planner, Coach and Strategist.
Humans beings are the group who wasted and abuse
this power vested in them.
Nothing else is more wasteful than the human resources!

Your power can never be effective without God's coaching. You should never take
any match without receiving some few win-win instructions from Him. (Take this advice).

The shortest cut to failure is to design what God did not put in your spirit.
There is nothing as painful as putting your energy, time and resources into something
that won't materialize! This is just the case with someone without God's Mentorship.

Beating the air and chasing shadows are my greatest fear.

I always pray to God, to inspire my decisions, jugdement and actions in life.
We don't need anything else than this. I know if God is in support of my dream, then I
don't need anything else!

Yes; You are your own boss.
We control our world with some greatest elements like our mind, tongue, imagination, character,
knowlegde, philosophy, habits and so on.
But the bigger truth is that: Depending solely on yourself will never get you anywhere... In fact it
will make you twice as foolish as a mere bull-dog!

Where Did You Get Your Thoughts From?

This is most important thing you must learn to observe.
So many Motivational Speakers would tell you that , All you need is intelligence
and hardwork.
But the real truth is that; IQ and HW alone can never bring you success.

Living Under God's Mentorship

Fulfillment can never come through the backdoor; It only comes from God.
Our Work is to do our Work. But the result will always from one Source, which is God.
This is were so many people have missed the silver lining.

To Take control of your life and live your dream is nothing but designing what God
has put in your spirit.
Going down on your knees to consult the Holy Spirit is the most important key in making
the best decisions and jugdement.

The wisest man is the man who work as if he has no God; But then look up to Heaven as if
He has no work!
Fulfillment comes from God alone; Any other source makes no sense!

Tip: Give some real 'punches' with God, and avoid beating the air with yourself.

Keep building your success world...Keep Smiling!
Rufus Yamoah
Success Teacher

P.S: Please don't leave without dropping your comment or response. Thanks!
Special Gift: Grab a FREE copy of my success- inpired ebook titled 'Success Secrets
of a Three-Time Olympian'. send your email to rufusyamoah@yahoo.com now!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Why You Should Learn to Forgive

The Fountain of Life- Your Heart

The greatest blessing to the soul is the heart.
The heart is the fountain of life.

A man is a product of his heart.
Your heart is the dictator and the power that controls your whole being.
It all starts from the heart…

** You can become the best person in the world if you can develop the best heart**

Why You Must Forgive if You Want to Have the Best Heart

Anger kills Idea
Anger is the magnet of evil thoughts
Anger is only 10 % from madness
Anger is limitation
Anger is depression
Anger causes hatred
Hatred corrupts and destroy the beauty and flow of the heart
Hatred is bitterness
Bitterness is a poison you drink thinking someone else will die
Bitterness shortens a man’s life
Bitterness is a cancer to the heart
A bitter heart is the heaviest thing in the world. Everyone is advice never to carry it. It kills!
Bitterness is the absence of forgiveness
An unforgiving heart is like a dried river that has no water in it.
A man with an unforgiving heart is the saddest person in the world. If you cannot forgive you should never try to be happy.

True happiness comes the moment you forgive someone

Sometimes the people we claimed to love we find it difficult to forgive them when they offend us. But the truth is that:
**True love comes with a lot of forgiveness and ‘undoing’.

The reason why many people find it hard to forgive is because they think man is perfect or should be perfect. (It is wrong).
There are times we feel strongly betrayed, badly hurt, and with a broken-heart; but we must learn and choose to forgive people. It’s a choice we must accept and endure for our own good.

Forgiveness is the cheapest thing in the world; never hold it back, always give it away as many times as possible.
Do not measure forgiveness with bitterness.
Forgiveness is one-big-large-room that can contain any bitterness, pain or suffering that someone caused you.
Do not withhold forgiveness from someone no matter what!
If you are a victim, get over it, forgive and move on with your life.
Life can be truly sweet when you choose to participate!

Forgiveness is giving up the possibility of a better past.
The shortest cut to failure is to hold a grudge.

“He who cannot forgive others destroys the bridge which he himself must pass”, said George Herbert.
Forgiveness means freedom

“The Holy Spirit is always grieved whenever I’m angry, and I have paid dearly for that. I can tell you from experience that the costliest thing is to give-in to anger. Anger is chain!
Now I have promised never again to grieve the Holy Spirit, even if I know it would be a tough task, I also known it will be easier to forgive than to watch the next TV reality show!”
- Rufus Yamoah

A forgiving heart is the greatest blessing to the soul.

Where ever you go, go with all your heart.

Keep your smile and stay bless

Rufus Yamoah
Success Teacher

P.S: Don’t fail to drop your pen on this article. Thanks

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

6 Words That causes Life Failures You Must Avoid If You Really Want To Succeed

Life failures and problems are nothing but a manifested seed

Words we speak connotes with our mind and mentality

Habits cannot be formed without the constant repetition of thoughts and actions

Success Teacher, why are you speaking randomly? Please I don’t understand.

Don’t Worry.

Those words I have spoken only gave birth to the mystery I am about to tell you.

All these years, looking to the lives of many failed men, I have come to find out six hidden mysteries- HABIT WORDS- that has been the responsible for their problems and struggles. The reasons why they don’t move forward.

These words have become an everyday language that as become a powerful force against positive action that would have bring great outcome if only it had been avoided.

Most never knew these words, but still, they spoke it into the manifested ‘seed of failure.’

Success Teacher, I am slowly getting your flow, please I want to understand better.
(You can start again to re-read everything. You might understand better the second or third time)

Here are the six words that causes many failures and struggles in our word today:

1 ‘It doesn’t matter’: Please try all you can to avoid anything that will cause to say this word. Life does matter. Crosscheck everything you have been told or meant to believe. Sometime success is even closer than you think when you become careful with things that matter. Learn to be effective and discipline when you hear advice and teachings.

2. ‘Forget about that’: This is also a failure-attractive statement. People tend to over-look things that are always important. If you keep this statement, you might end up loosing you priorities if life. Life is a memory lane. You must not forget about that great advice that was give to you just because you want to gratify your sexual or emotional desires. There is no excuse to failure. Your must tell the story to achieve the glory.

3. “I don’t care’: Very Bad! Why have you chosen to harden your heart for transformation to come in? Don’t try helping anyone who can’t do-away with this statement. You might be wasting your precious time pilling a rotten ‘banana’.
Be careful with advice and commandments. Without obedience faith is dead. Be careful!

4. ‘I’m tired of it’: Lazy people are unsuccessful people. Laziness is the originator of all failures. You think life is a bed of roses?
You think success is hard, then try failure!

5. ‘It’s not for me’: If we want to succeed, we must avoid ‘individualistic’ mentality. Life is a collective breath. We are only but a network. If it works for him, why do you think it won’t work for you also? It can only be for you if only you accept it. Don’t be too hard on yourself. Be flexible. Success is for you!

6. ‘ Things have changed’: The sun that shines in the ancient times will continue to shine even to the end of aged, t will never change. Don’t refuse sound doctrine just because of the negative influence of the so-called civilized world. Don’t let the world change you, you rather do the reverse if you can, of cause you CAN. Be yourself. Be original. Be YOU.

These are the six WORDS you absolutely must avoid if you truly want to succeed.

Thank you so much for this teaching, God bless

You are welcome

To your success

Rufus Yamoah
Success Teacher

P.S: Please don’t go without leaving your comment or response about this article. You words are my elbow. Thanks.

Saturday, April 12, 2008


Hi Rufus, it’s not really easy turning your dream into reality.
Please what is the sure-way to bring my dreams into the physical evidence?

Good question.

Now let me ask you some crucial questions.

Have you see the vision of your dream?

Have you set your goals and plans towards achieving your dream?

Have you started taking the available but necessary actions towards your dream?
Yes I have begun, said again with shy confidence.

Then why have you not achieve your dream?
That is the problem; I think there is something I still must know.

There are some secrets you must bind to your heart if you truly want to reach the finishing line,
which is turning your dream into reality.

Please show them to me.

Motivation: When there is no Will, there can’t be a way out. Motivation is the key to
unlock your dream to come out. Your spirit must always be ready. Your hopeand faith
must be protected. This is the power that comes from within and always tells you YOUR

Discipline: Zig Ziglar said, ‘Success is in the glands…the sweat glands’. Without ‘grinding your teeth’
and taking some few ‘bullets’ you just can’t achieve something important (Your Dream).

Effort: Always say to yourself, ‘Good is never enough,’ ‘I will never settle for nothing less,’
and ‘the best is always yet to come’. This is what effort is all about. You must always
recognize you can do more and try to do more. It’s the hidden secret of all great achievers.

Commitment: If a man cannot cry well, he also cannot laugh well.
You think success is easy?
You think your just dream plus action is equal to success?
You better think twice!
Success only come to those who are serious and committed to their dream
because it’s an expensive ‘ornament’ that cannot be toil with.
Commitment overcomes failure and causes you to achieve your
ends ‘meat’ which is success.

These are 4 secrets to achieving any dream.

Thank you Success Teacher.

To your success!

Rufus Yamoah
Success Teacher

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

How To Awake The Drop Of Greatness In You

Every man is born great, the earlier you know this the better for you

Every man has a start. Every man has a burning candle inside of him ready to shine. Every Man has his own uniqueness. Every man has a magic he alone can manipulate. Every man is a winner. Every man has a great potential and a touch of excellence.

Every man has a drop of greatness in him

I beg you, it will not hurt you if you believe these words or turn your mentality towards this direction.

It is the only Truth.

You must first think it, believe it, before you can see it. And when you see it ,you can achieve it.

Note that this write- up is not for those who are still doubting if truly they are born with greatness in them.

This is for those who know well enough but they want to awake that greatness.



Mixing the emotion of positive mental attitude and character will only put you ahead of others in reaching the top of your greatness.

Here are some great tips to help you awake that greatness:

Recognize your potential. Know your ability, energy and strength. Build them.

Release your potential. Use it to create value in the lives of people around you. Help them.

Demand more from yourself. Increase your action-plan and ideas. You can only do more. That is the spirit of greatness.

Expand yourself. Sing it if you can. Good character brings good reputation. Spread like the eagle. More people still need you.

Get it going. Keep it going. Don’t allow fear to warn or stop you. The spirit of greatness is the spirit of perfection.

My final advice is this:

Always help others to grow.
Helping others to grow is the proven way to awake the greatness in you.

Enjoy Success

Rufus Yamoah
Success Teacher

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Finding The Road That Lead To Success

What My Brother Taught Me…

There is only one road that leads to success, and one must be willing to take it if he/she must succeed in life.

What have you learned from someone?

My brother taught ma a lot of things when I was thinking on how to make it in life.

The first thing I learn was, he told me to become tired of my present condition and become ready to improve it.

Then he made me to understand that, having talent is not enough to succeed, I must be willing to execute it and pay the price to gain monetary reward.

He said I should be clear of what I want and start building my desire with emotion and passion.

It was then I became clear of what I truly want from life. Then I knew I truly want to live a mark I must be absolutely READY.

He later warned me to stop reading and watching fictions, for that is not a priority for someone who wants to change his life.

I followed his footstep and began to read empowerment and development books and also the newspapers.
Wow, I began to see the great impact in my life. The power of READING!

He took me to the next level by saying, “if you want to succeed and gain wealth, you must create you own income generator, I mean your own business”.

It was than I saw that 85% of all successful and wealthy man in the world has their own business and empire.
It was then my mentality of ‘getting a job before making money’ wiped out of my memory.
This took me on a new dimension.

My loving Brother did not stop there.

He made me to understand that to be truly rich, I must think to INVEST and become financially intelligent.

I always thought that financial intelligence is not part of intellectual ability and doesn’t matter. He took me to believe something new…

It was then I find out that, all rich and wealthy men have something in common, and that is, they are financially intelligent, even if some may not see the ‘four walls of school’.

I began to see life in a different angle, when he made me to understand that:

Life is worth living if only we understand the basic truths and observe them

Success is a journey. I found the road when I began to learn from my brother

What are you waiting for?


Enjoy success

Love Ya!

Success teacher
Rufus Yamoah

Thursday, March 6, 2008

What do you want from life?

Why you know what you want in life, achieving it becomes a second issue

Have you ask yourself this question before?
Or if I may ask, how many times have you thought of, “What do I really want”

If you do, what was your answer?

Is it Money; Fame; Recognition; Success; Making your Mama happy; Telling you elders to shut up; Power; Meeting with all kinds of super women; Or maybe traveling to the Madison Square garden for vacation. Just name it…

Whatever you want isn’t this issue at this stage?


Because when think of what you truly want in life, the human emotions tend to play a significant role in our decisions.

Money and Women are the greatest control of the human emotion.
Many people have truly ended up not knowing what they wanted in life because they think life is all about pleasure

The Holy Scripture says, “What shall it profit a man if he gains the whole world and lose his soul”

I am not saying we should not enjoy our life why on earth, but one thing you must know is that our life on earth as a true purpose other than just living in it?

Reason with me, if life is all about pleasure, what is pleasure to you today when you know that tomorrow you are going to 6 ft down (Die). Of course, it’s of no use!

Now ask yourself, the things you see today in the world that amazes you and you want to do everything to get it, who created them?

Those things where created by people, and they we always be remembered because what they created will continue to exist.

Every man as an invention idea in his brain…

Now again ask yourself, what do you want from life?

I think at this point you won’t say, “What do I give to life”.

Now your moral has change, you are now truly in another dimension.

Your thoughts have changed for the very first time. Congratulation!


Watch out! Be sober…

You will get better

Rufus Yamoah
Success Teacher

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

How to structure your life for success this year

The greatest gift given to man is an opportunity to try again w3henever we fail or make mistake. It only gives us a chance to structure and position our life for real and supreme success.
If you ever worry about how you can start the building up of your foundation this year, or probably, you are confused about which road to take, or which path to follow, well you are not left alone. Everyone has one or more things running like a ‘virus’ in the mind even as we prepare to fight the ‘wars’ of 2008.
I am giving you some can’t-do-without-rules to position you on a sure-victory for this wonderful year.

Rule No 1. Read motivational books: There is a great wealth in information. I dare you to become an ardent reader today because I know by tomorrow you will become a great leader. When you pick up a good book, I tell you, you only pick up a good life. Maximize the power of reading today.

Rule No 2. Check your companions: Take a little research on your association/friends. They might be of a little influence on you lately. Check the good ones, the bad ones, the toxic ones, the dream-killers or even your acclaimed loved ones. For a man to be wise, he needs to sit and dine with wise men. Be warned!

Rule No 3. Look for a good mentor.: You need a ‘guardian’ angel; A person with good experience and knowledge much bigger than yours to assist you, so that you don’t make the same mistake of last year. Go select a good mentor, not just any mentor, and you will be glad you did.

Rule No 4. Protect your health: Don’t play ith your life because it’s the only thing you just can’t do without. Protect and take good care of yourself. Eat good food. Don’t starve because you want to save. Do be too busty to do exercise and fitness. Give time to your health, and she will honor you in return.

Rule No 5. Sleep/Rest/Relax: A true lazy man is not one who cannot work, but one who cannot rest. Take a break, for it only makes you better. Sleep well. Take a good time out to rest and relax. Don’t quarrel and argue too much, your brain hates it. Know that who refuses to rest, refuses to grow! Don’t wait for sickness to come before you rest because it will be too bad.

Rule No 6. Invest in Yourself: This is the first thing first and most important thing when it comes to attaining your goals and vision. Before you invest your money, time, or strength on a venture, first invest in yourself. You need a proper mindset. A poor man with a millionaire’s mind will soon become rich! If you want to win, train yourself to win. It’s a formula for success.

Rule No 7. Write out your vision, goals and dreams again: Look back at 2007, and write out those things you were not able to achieve and add it to your goals for this year, Draw an action plan on your vision. How you want to go about it. This will help you stay focus.

Rule No 8. Become Enthusiastic: Put a wide smile on your face. Try to mange your happiness. Set your perception to favor yourself. This is probably not easy, but it will really help you. When you become enthusiastic, you defeat human’s greatest weakness ‘frustration’ and set yourself to win always.

Rule No 9. Keep your faith alive: Strengthen your faith. Believe in possibilities and sometimes in ‘miracle’. Don’t give up. Your dream is achievable. You need a long-faith to pass through short-temptations. No matter what happens, don’t give away your ‘believe’ because when you do, you just give away your success.

Rule No 10. Action! Action!! Action!!! For you to succeed, you need to cancel procrastination from your paper. Whatever target you set out to achieve, go ahead and pay the price immediately. Do it today , because by tomorrow it will be 10 times difficult.

Abide in this rules and you shell succeed.

2008 is your year…
Enjoy it!

Success Teacher
Rufus Yamoah

Friday, January 11, 2008


Success is a journey (2007), not a destination (2008).

Sometimes I wish 2007 never ended. I love
2007 so much. It was the best year of my life,
and that is why I would never forget it. I call
it the year, which the egg of my life was laid.
2007 was truly the foundation.
To wish for the pass to come back is like
a Rich man dreaming of becoming poor.
2008 is the best! 2007 can never come back, not
when 2008 now exists.

I call 2008 my year of reality for some special
reasons. Anyone who is hoping to make it small
or big, 2008 came especially for no one else but you.
This is the year of dream-come-true.
I heard my pastor said, “This is the year of 7+1”.
You may not understand. Well, it’s the year of extra and
Before I proceed, I must thank all those of you who
send me holiday wishes. For god richly bless you.
I won’t forget to mention names like, Damilare
Banjo, Iyabo Oyawale, Akinyemi Lappini, Ben.O,
Collins Aghasare, Zainab Mohammed (from Ghana)
and my dearest Funmi Fassasi. God will reward
you greatly in this realistic year of abundance.

I am so happy. It’s a great priviledge for you and
me to be alive and present in the greatest year of
humanity (2008).

2008 is your destination for success and glory.

This is the year you have been waiting for! Your time
has come. You have to see it and take it. You will be
swallow up with opportunities and favor. Go and
start the celebration because the party has just

Welcome back. Happy New Year…

Rufus Yamoah