Wednesday, April 16, 2008

6 Words That causes Life Failures You Must Avoid If You Really Want To Succeed

Life failures and problems are nothing but a manifested seed

Words we speak connotes with our mind and mentality

Habits cannot be formed without the constant repetition of thoughts and actions

Success Teacher, why are you speaking randomly? Please I don’t understand.

Don’t Worry.

Those words I have spoken only gave birth to the mystery I am about to tell you.

All these years, looking to the lives of many failed men, I have come to find out six hidden mysteries- HABIT WORDS- that has been the responsible for their problems and struggles. The reasons why they don’t move forward.

These words have become an everyday language that as become a powerful force against positive action that would have bring great outcome if only it had been avoided.

Most never knew these words, but still, they spoke it into the manifested ‘seed of failure.’

Success Teacher, I am slowly getting your flow, please I want to understand better.
(You can start again to re-read everything. You might understand better the second or third time)

Here are the six words that causes many failures and struggles in our word today:

1 ‘It doesn’t matter’: Please try all you can to avoid anything that will cause to say this word. Life does matter. Crosscheck everything you have been told or meant to believe. Sometime success is even closer than you think when you become careful with things that matter. Learn to be effective and discipline when you hear advice and teachings.

2. ‘Forget about that’: This is also a failure-attractive statement. People tend to over-look things that are always important. If you keep this statement, you might end up loosing you priorities if life. Life is a memory lane. You must not forget about that great advice that was give to you just because you want to gratify your sexual or emotional desires. There is no excuse to failure. Your must tell the story to achieve the glory.

3. “I don’t care’: Very Bad! Why have you chosen to harden your heart for transformation to come in? Don’t try helping anyone who can’t do-away with this statement. You might be wasting your precious time pilling a rotten ‘banana’.
Be careful with advice and commandments. Without obedience faith is dead. Be careful!

4. ‘I’m tired of it’: Lazy people are unsuccessful people. Laziness is the originator of all failures. You think life is a bed of roses?
You think success is hard, then try failure!

5. ‘It’s not for me’: If we want to succeed, we must avoid ‘individualistic’ mentality. Life is a collective breath. We are only but a network. If it works for him, why do you think it won’t work for you also? It can only be for you if only you accept it. Don’t be too hard on yourself. Be flexible. Success is for you!

6. ‘ Things have changed’: The sun that shines in the ancient times will continue to shine even to the end of aged, t will never change. Don’t refuse sound doctrine just because of the negative influence of the so-called civilized world. Don’t let the world change you, you rather do the reverse if you can, of cause you CAN. Be yourself. Be original. Be YOU.

These are the six WORDS you absolutely must avoid if you truly want to succeed.

Thank you so much for this teaching, God bless

You are welcome

To your success

Rufus Yamoah
Success Teacher

P.S: Please don’t go without leaving your comment or response about this article. You words are my elbow. Thanks.

Saturday, April 12, 2008


Hi Rufus, it’s not really easy turning your dream into reality.
Please what is the sure-way to bring my dreams into the physical evidence?

Good question.

Now let me ask you some crucial questions.

Have you see the vision of your dream?

Have you set your goals and plans towards achieving your dream?

Have you started taking the available but necessary actions towards your dream?
Yes I have begun, said again with shy confidence.

Then why have you not achieve your dream?
That is the problem; I think there is something I still must know.

There are some secrets you must bind to your heart if you truly want to reach the finishing line,
which is turning your dream into reality.

Please show them to me.

Motivation: When there is no Will, there can’t be a way out. Motivation is the key to
unlock your dream to come out. Your spirit must always be ready. Your hopeand faith
must be protected. This is the power that comes from within and always tells you YOUR

Discipline: Zig Ziglar said, ‘Success is in the glands…the sweat glands’. Without ‘grinding your teeth’
and taking some few ‘bullets’ you just can’t achieve something important (Your Dream).

Effort: Always say to yourself, ‘Good is never enough,’ ‘I will never settle for nothing less,’
and ‘the best is always yet to come’. This is what effort is all about. You must always
recognize you can do more and try to do more. It’s the hidden secret of all great achievers.

Commitment: If a man cannot cry well, he also cannot laugh well.
You think success is easy?
You think your just dream plus action is equal to success?
You better think twice!
Success only come to those who are serious and committed to their dream
because it’s an expensive ‘ornament’ that cannot be toil with.
Commitment overcomes failure and causes you to achieve your
ends ‘meat’ which is success.

These are 4 secrets to achieving any dream.

Thank you Success Teacher.

To your success!

Rufus Yamoah
Success Teacher

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

How To Awake The Drop Of Greatness In You

Every man is born great, the earlier you know this the better for you

Every man has a start. Every man has a burning candle inside of him ready to shine. Every Man has his own uniqueness. Every man has a magic he alone can manipulate. Every man is a winner. Every man has a great potential and a touch of excellence.

Every man has a drop of greatness in him

I beg you, it will not hurt you if you believe these words or turn your mentality towards this direction.

It is the only Truth.

You must first think it, believe it, before you can see it. And when you see it ,you can achieve it.

Note that this write- up is not for those who are still doubting if truly they are born with greatness in them.

This is for those who know well enough but they want to awake that greatness.



Mixing the emotion of positive mental attitude and character will only put you ahead of others in reaching the top of your greatness.

Here are some great tips to help you awake that greatness:

Recognize your potential. Know your ability, energy and strength. Build them.

Release your potential. Use it to create value in the lives of people around you. Help them.

Demand more from yourself. Increase your action-plan and ideas. You can only do more. That is the spirit of greatness.

Expand yourself. Sing it if you can. Good character brings good reputation. Spread like the eagle. More people still need you.

Get it going. Keep it going. Don’t allow fear to warn or stop you. The spirit of greatness is the spirit of perfection.

My final advice is this:

Always help others to grow.
Helping others to grow is the proven way to awake the greatness in you.

Enjoy Success

Rufus Yamoah
Success Teacher