Tuesday, April 1, 2008

How To Awake The Drop Of Greatness In You

Every man is born great, the earlier you know this the better for you

Every man has a start. Every man has a burning candle inside of him ready to shine. Every Man has his own uniqueness. Every man has a magic he alone can manipulate. Every man is a winner. Every man has a great potential and a touch of excellence.

Every man has a drop of greatness in him

I beg you, it will not hurt you if you believe these words or turn your mentality towards this direction.

It is the only Truth.

You must first think it, believe it, before you can see it. And when you see it ,you can achieve it.

Note that this write- up is not for those who are still doubting if truly they are born with greatness in them.

This is for those who know well enough but they want to awake that greatness.



Mixing the emotion of positive mental attitude and character will only put you ahead of others in reaching the top of your greatness.

Here are some great tips to help you awake that greatness:

Recognize your potential. Know your ability, energy and strength. Build them.

Release your potential. Use it to create value in the lives of people around you. Help them.

Demand more from yourself. Increase your action-plan and ideas. You can only do more. That is the spirit of greatness.

Expand yourself. Sing it if you can. Good character brings good reputation. Spread like the eagle. More people still need you.

Get it going. Keep it going. Don’t allow fear to warn or stop you. The spirit of greatness is the spirit of perfection.

My final advice is this:

Always help others to grow.
Helping others to grow is the proven way to awake the greatness in you.

Enjoy Success

Rufus Yamoah
Success Teacher

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