Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Simple Secrets of Celebration

What Life has Taught Me in the Last One Year…

As I celebrate my birthday today, I wish to do it in a different style. Instead of going partying and wide, I decided to spent time to reflect on how Life has been for in the last one year. This I think is very important.

What has life taught you in the last one year? (Think about this).
You are either growing or, maybe I don’t know!

As for me, without many words, Life has been total celebration!
Some may say, “Well, you are probably a lucky folk”

Sorry, I am no lucky folk, neither do I believe in the ‘lucky break stuff’.
The secret is counting your blessings. This is what matters.

Some troubled ones would say, “What is there to count when there is no blessing”.
My drear, you’ve got a lot to count!
The reason why many don’t see any blessing is because they have all been ignorant of the magic power of counting.
You will never know or recognize how bless you are until you start counting it.

Now, counting you blessing is not by looking at what you have or have not; But by looking at who you are- that is what you have come to become as a person.

Lesson number two: Life has taught me that been talents and having a lot of IQs is not enough. I must have courage and boldness to dare and take action towards achieving my dreams. And also I must think positive and BIG, so that can overcome those usual temporary obstacles and discouragement on my way to success.

And finally, I must always be thankful for what I already have.

“Do not spoil what you have with what you have not; but remember that what you now have was once among things you only hoped for”, said Epicurus

Do not spoil the euphoria of here and now with your anxiety of tomorrow and what the future would bring. It makes no sense.

The message is clear; SHOW SOME GRATITUDE.

Enjoy Life

Rufus Yamoah
Success Teacher

Note: This article is dedicated to God for another year added to my life. To God be the Glory!
P:S: Drop Your birthday wishes. Thanks