Wednesday, April 28, 2010

The Greatest Knowledge In the World

And God blessed(1) them, and God said to them, “Be Fruitful(2) and multiply(3), and fill the earth(4) and subdue it(5); and have dominion(6)…”—Genesis 1:28

The Power of Knowledge

Proverbs 24:3 reads: “by wisdom a house is built, and by understanding it is established; by knowledge the rooms are filled with all precious and pleasant riches”
Why do people live in poverty and ashes? Why are their rooms empty? Why have peace, joy and fulfillment become a phenomena event in people’s lives?

The answer is quite simple: LACK OF KNOWLEDGE.

By knowledge, we can live the higher life.

If what you know cannot change you, change what you know.

True knowledge will always lead you to peace, joy and prosperity. Without knowledge we are deformed and dead.

Only by knowledge we truly lived!

How true is your Knowledge?

What you know will determine the beauty or the ashes of your life. At this junction, you must understand that wrong knowledge is as dangerous and deadly as ignorance.

Knowledge has the potential power to either build or destroy your life. What you know will only lead you to freedom or bondage.

In your search for knowledge, you must seek the truth.
The transforming power of knowledge lies in the truth in it.
It is the truth of knowledge that will bring peace, joy and fulfillment to your life.

The Greatest Knowledge…

Today, I will share with you the greatest knowledge in the world. If only you have the knowledge of WHO YOU ARE and what you are BORN TO BE, you will heading for the greatest miracle of your life.

Only believe them and confess—speak it out—and they will become evidence in your life.

Created blessed…live the bless life: Before your mother ever conceived you in her womb, God has already blessed you. You are born blessed, meaning God has already qualified, approved and given you the license to live a blessed life.

Born to Succeed: This is the first evidence of the blessed life. A blessed life is a life of success. You are born to succeed. The word ‘fruitful’ means ‘very productive’ ‘bringing results’ and ‘to be successful’. Fruitlessness or failure is out of context in God’s preparation, formulation, designation and creation of you. (Psalms 1:3).

Born to multiply (increase): When God created you He programmed you to multiply. To multiply means ‘to increase in number’ ‘make or become more numerous’. You are not born to live a ‘just enough’ life; but the ever flowing abundant and higher life. (Genesis 26:12;John 10:10)

Born to be a Blessing: We are God’s vessels on this earth. You are born to fill the earth. We are to bring beauty and value to the earth, the nations, and the people… (Our friends, loved ones and family). The third evidence of the blessed life is becoming a blessing to other people’s lives. We are to make impact in our environment. The world is a garden…we are only to water this garden. (Genesis 12:2)

Born to subdue: Greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world. (1 John 4:4). We have the license to control our environment. We are authorize to influence our ‘ethos’—the world around us. We are managers of this earth. The world is under your control, never let it control you. To subdue means ‘to overcome’ ‘to manage’ ‘to put under control’. This is the fourth evidence of the blessed life—the victorious life.

Born to rule: You are born to be a king, ruler and a governor of the earth-domain. You are to lead in your area. You are to have dominion over the territory assign to you by God—how many people even know their territory assign to them! God created you and put all things on this earth under you feet and nothing shall by any mean exercise power over you. (Luke10:19). You are a judge and a god on this earth. (Psalms 82:6)

These six divine truths is the greatest knowledge in the world.


If you believe in this knowledge and confess it with your mouth and act upon it, you are sure to live the most glorious and fulfilled life here and beyond…

To your greatness

Rufus Yamoah
Life Without Walls

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

How to Become a Better Communicator

From the fruit of his words a man is satisfied with good…” (Proverb 12:14)

The Power of Words

By your speech your character is unfold.

Your words are like a mirror…they create the image of who you really are—and what you tend to become!

Our words can tell where we are probably heading to—they are like whirlwinds!

From the fruit of a man’s word he will be recompense with either good or evil.
As a man thinketh , so is he; but as a man speaketh, so he will become!

Become a Better Communicator

There are some important principles you have to understand about successful communication.

You must master them to be able to become a better and a winning communicator. You can win people over and influence the large crowd through these rules.

Be persuasive…Never be forceful: “A gentle tongue is a tree of life… (Proverb 15:14). “A soft word will break a bone”. You must learn to be persuasive and seductive with your words. Speak the truth in love. Let your words be mixed with the fragrance of LOVE and you shall truly become a man of influence. Don’t play with this rule!

Be a Positive Speaker: “good (positive) news refreshes the bones” (proverbs 15:30b). You can bring healing, restoration, encouragement and consolation to people’s heart and soul by learning the art and skill of positive speaking.
“Pleasant words are like honeycomb, sweetness to the soul and health to the body” (proverbs 16:24). I can tell you what image this has great of me!

Please do not be known for negativity and complains. You have to learn to see life and every circumstance with faith and hope. People do not need another bad news reporter—CNN doesn’t need another recruit!

Be your mouth’s watchman: “a slip of the tongue is worse than a slip on the pavement”. You must be very cautious of what comes out of your mouth and the choice of words you utter. A slip of tongue is more costly than loosing $1,000 check bill! You must guard your reputation with your words, or you may alter it with your tongue.

Talk more through silence: God is a master communicator. That is why when He created you He designed and fixed man with a mouth and…two ears! He understands the power and importance of listening. We actually win and influence more by listening than through speaking. Every wants to speaks, only few are able to listen. If you understand the art and skill of listening, you will truly become a man of influence and a master communicator.

Speak the truth no matter what. “A thief is better than a habitual liar”. You cannot afford to build or create a reputation around lies. This is a reputation that has no remedy. But if people know you for honesty and truthfulness, even when you occasional lie, they will believe and defend you! “Righteous lips are the delight of a king, and he loves him you speak the truth” (Proverbs 16:13).

Today, you can improve you life by maximizing the power of communication.

Read and re-read this article. These rules will definitely change you life forever!

Keep your smile…enjoy the great life!

Rufus Yamoah
Life without Walls!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

6 Unbreakable Laws of Higher Life

“Do you want to be a person of success?”
“Do you wish to live your life to the full?”
“How can I create the life I really want?” you asked

Today I will be sharing with you some concise,
straight and cutting-edge laws that will help you
create a life of value, success and fulfillment.

Use them and you are sure a good life will be your friend.

Law number 1: Seek wisdom, knowledge and understanding;
for without these treasures of the mind you will be blown away by the wind of life.
Remember: A transformed mind gives birth to a transformed life

Law number 2: There are countless opportunities in life.
There is always space in the mountain and room in the house.
There is no limit to how far you can go in life.
The glory of life is immeasurable, and there is nothing
like impossibility in its design. This is the perception you
must have about Life.
Remember: Your greatest enemy is your thoughts.
You can never get further than your thoughts.

Law number 3: Value your life and life will value you.
Ignore life and life will feed you with dust!.
Be at peace with the Owner of your WELL and
you are guarantee a steady streams of water.
Agree with God. Never allow anything interupts or anticipate your relationship with God—your creator.
Remember: we are only but a mere breath and a handmaid of God. If He(God) decides to take his breath(life) from us, we will return to the dust..

Law number 4: Never give or allow anyone to assume or take responsibility of your life. Never put or fix the blame of whatever happens to you on someone. Don’t let anyone take your responsibility.
You are the architect of your life.
You must overcome the ‘ifs’ and ‘buts’ of this world. You can become whatever you choose to.
Remember: “For each man (including you) will have to bear (carry and take responsibility) of his own load”—Galatians 6:5

Law number 5: Vision is the light of journey of life.
Without vision you are sure to stumble.
No man gets to his destination with a clear vision.
Life is a narrow journey full of many dangerous.
Do not take any step without first opening the eye of your mind to see what is on your way.
How sweet is life when we have vision of where we are going? But how can a man discern or know where he is going without seeing through God's eye? Think about it!
Remember: Your eye is the light of your body. Without the eye the whole body is left in darkness and doom.

Law number 6: Life and death are in the power of tongue.
Your mouth is the most significant weapon to create the life you want.
With our mouth we sow the seed of our now and our future.
You are what to speak. Your tongue is empowered with the ability to create or re-create your life.
Remember: The tongue is the driver, sailor and pilot of the human life.
We must direct and dictate it to favor ourselves and not to work against us.

Conclusion: If you want to live the higher life—the ever flowing prosperous life—you must bind these laws to your heart.
Use them as a guide everyday.
If you transgress in any of them you will pay dearly for it.
They are absolute-unbeatable laws you must obey if you want to live beyond the crowd.

To your success

Rufus Yamoah
Higher Life Coach