Tuesday, March 24, 2009

How to Get What You Want

What Are You Looking For?

The principle of getting what you want starts with knowing what you want

If you don’t know what you want, you will try to have everything—which of course I know you don’t have where to keep them!
My straight talk is this: Be specific with you want (and of course the things you also don’t want) and you will find out that achieving them will practically become easier, faster, and even better.
Another important truth is that; when you don’t know what you want, the world will try to give something less. People will deceive and play tricks on you like the American football! Again, you must understand what you are looking for. Don’t give aimless punch!

Learn to Take the Initiative…

What is initiative?
According to Oxford Learner’s Dictionary, it writes, “It is the ability to decide and act on your own without waiting for somebody to tell you what to do”.
Hear this loud and clear: You won’t get much help depending on others; you’ll have to learn to use your initiative. The choleric people know and live by this. This is a rule of life.
The world bestows its big prizes both in money and honors for but one thing,” says Elbert Hubbard, “And that is INITIATIVE”.

What to Do When You Don’t Know What to Do…

One of the greatest barriers of success and achievement is CONFUSION…getting stuck in the mould at ‘Nowhere Ville’.

What do I do when I don’t know what to do?
Great question!
For the secret of getting what you want is really to know what to do when you don’t know what to do? How does it sound? Whatever may be the case, it is but the TRUTH.
You don’t have to put a gun in your head just because you lost ideas, or became blank in the middle of a very important project. It is normal, and part of life. Everybody some how have come across such situation…like when you don’t know what to do anybody, so damn confused and perplexed and wanting to die!

What to Do

First of all, you must admit that you can’t know or have everything.
Therefore if this is true, then you would need PEOPLE.
Yes people! It’s the secret.

Here are 3 Powerful Principles that will give you whatever you want…even when you don’t know what to do:

“ASK and it shall be given to you, SEEK and you shall find, KNOCK and the door will be open to you”—Matthew 7:7

1.The Power of ASKING: God says, “My son, what the hell do you want! If you don’t know what you want, then there is nothing I can really do”.
Yes it is my desire to give you something, but not until I know that which you want my hands are tied”. Please release the hands of God. Give him the license to bless you. Who say silence is golden? If you close your mouth, well don’t say didn’t tell you!
The rules: Don’t ask for the wrong things; don’t say ‘I can’t have it’; don’t ask without a good enough purpose or reason; don’t conclude in your heart without first asking; ask and receive!

2. The Power of SEEKING: A ridiculous story was told about a man who went to the graveyard. He was just moving and looking around until a man watchman came and then ask me the very straight-forward question: “what are you looking for?”
Listen, this is dead serious; if you don’t know what you are looking for, it’s better to stay at home watching WWE or playing your favorite video game!
“I game to look for some books”, the man ridiculously replied
“Ah! You can’t find books here. You are at the wrong place. You can only find such things in the library or bookstores” The Watchman advised, “But wait…”He continued, “Why would you be looking for a book in a graveyard?” He asked the astonishing, who just left disappointed.
Yes, you will always be disappointed if you keep searching the wrong places!
I will keep saying this: “Whatever you seek is also seeking for you. You just have to be at the right spot for you to grab it. Learn the hunter’s lesson; who always knows where to get the big rabbits!"

3. The Power of KNOCKING: What would keep a man standing at a door for hours waiting for it to be opened when He has not given a KNOCK?
The only way to can get someone’s attention is by knocking.
Most times, even if you are knocking, you are probably not the only one knocking at the door. There are many others giving the same knock too.
But what makes yours different? Who will the owner open the door for? I’ll tell you. It’s the man who gives the LOUDEST knock!
Here is a problem: I have found out too many of are not always there when the door is usually open. The reason is because we are not patience enough to wait for response after the knocking. There is one thing to knock, but another thing is to WAIT. The lucky folks who are patience enough will always be in the wining end.

I have shared with you three powerful principles given by Jesus, the all- masterful Teacher and Savior.
Jesus asked a question, “Which Father will give to a Child serpent when the child is actually asking a Fish?” Of course no Father!
So, we all most learn to ask, seek and knock for whatever our heart desires—but not be the right thing— and we will surely get it.
I will stretch out here that some others priceless qualities you need to bear in mind if you want these three principles to walk magic for you, are PERSEVERANCE, DETERMINATION, PATIENCE and FAITH.

Enjoy more success!

Rufus Yamoah
Success Builder

P.S: If you have benefited from this article, please do not hesitate to drop your comment or response. Your words are gold. Thanks

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