Wednesday, April 14, 2010

How to Become a Better Communicator

From the fruit of his words a man is satisfied with good…” (Proverb 12:14)

The Power of Words

By your speech your character is unfold.

Your words are like a mirror…they create the image of who you really are—and what you tend to become!

Our words can tell where we are probably heading to—they are like whirlwinds!

From the fruit of a man’s word he will be recompense with either good or evil.
As a man thinketh , so is he; but as a man speaketh, so he will become!

Become a Better Communicator

There are some important principles you have to understand about successful communication.

You must master them to be able to become a better and a winning communicator. You can win people over and influence the large crowd through these rules.

Be persuasive…Never be forceful: “A gentle tongue is a tree of life… (Proverb 15:14). “A soft word will break a bone”. You must learn to be persuasive and seductive with your words. Speak the truth in love. Let your words be mixed with the fragrance of LOVE and you shall truly become a man of influence. Don’t play with this rule!

Be a Positive Speaker: “good (positive) news refreshes the bones” (proverbs 15:30b). You can bring healing, restoration, encouragement and consolation to people’s heart and soul by learning the art and skill of positive speaking.
“Pleasant words are like honeycomb, sweetness to the soul and health to the body” (proverbs 16:24). I can tell you what image this has great of me!

Please do not be known for negativity and complains. You have to learn to see life and every circumstance with faith and hope. People do not need another bad news reporter—CNN doesn’t need another recruit!

Be your mouth’s watchman: “a slip of the tongue is worse than a slip on the pavement”. You must be very cautious of what comes out of your mouth and the choice of words you utter. A slip of tongue is more costly than loosing $1,000 check bill! You must guard your reputation with your words, or you may alter it with your tongue.

Talk more through silence: God is a master communicator. That is why when He created you He designed and fixed man with a mouth and…two ears! He understands the power and importance of listening. We actually win and influence more by listening than through speaking. Every wants to speaks, only few are able to listen. If you understand the art and skill of listening, you will truly become a man of influence and a master communicator.

Speak the truth no matter what. “A thief is better than a habitual liar”. You cannot afford to build or create a reputation around lies. This is a reputation that has no remedy. But if people know you for honesty and truthfulness, even when you occasional lie, they will believe and defend you! “Righteous lips are the delight of a king, and he loves him you speak the truth” (Proverbs 16:13).

Today, you can improve you life by maximizing the power of communication.

Read and re-read this article. These rules will definitely change you life forever!

Keep your smile…enjoy the great life!

Rufus Yamoah
Life without Walls!

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